About us

We are zoologists and conservationists fighting against the illegal trade in wild animals and, in particular, seeking to protect the Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica). Since 2014, we have been running a non-profit organization on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, within which a rescue and rehabilitation centre for confiscated animals was built with the aim of their return to the wild. As part of the new Trenggiling Conservation Program, the centre is currently being expanded with quarantine and rehabilitation enclosures for pangolins, unique animals that are now considered the world's most trafficked mammals. In addition to building a rescue centre, we work with local communities on several levels. We educate local children in whom we develop a positive attitude towards nature, and we employ former poachers, who are now our field assistants. The main purpose of all our efforts is to reduce the rate of illegal trade in pangolins and thus protect the populations of (not only) these critically endangered animals in the wild.