
Trenggiling Conservation Program

If you want to contact us, send us an e-mail to

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Yayasan Patron Satwa Indonesia - PATRON Foundation

Jl. Djamin Ginting KM47
Desa Bandar Baru, Kecamatan Sibolangit
Deli Serdang, North Sumatera

ID: AHU-0010688.AH.01.04 Year 2021

kontakt kukang

katerina holubova

Kateřina Holubová

International Program Coordinator

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Outside Trenggiling:
Conservation projects and PR in the Ostrava Zoo

Personal motto:
“If we don't start with ourselves, nothing will ever change.”

frantisek pribrsky

František Příbrský

Program Director

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Outside Trenggiling:
Field zoologist and coordinator of international in situ projects of the Ostrava Zoo

Personal motto:
“Accept life. Keep in mind that you still have some time, but not too much. It's largely up to you what you will do with it.“

jenny natalia simanjuntak

Jenny Natalia Simanjuntak

Chair of the Indonesian PATRON Foundation and Program Director Assistant

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Outside Trenggiling:
Master of Criminal Law student

Personal motto:
“See good in all things.”

Contact Form