Employing former pangolin hunters

The employment of former poachers is an example of effective work with local communities. Previously, with the help of specially trained hunting dogs, these poachers were able to catch dozens of pangolins a year. Thanks to support of and cooperation with the Trenggiling Conservation Program, however, they stopped hunting pangolins and other endangered animals, and on the contrary, they became their active protectors. The former pangolin hunters have thus become very good field assistants, who are, thanks to their rich experience with orientation in the rainforest and with the search for pangolins and other animals, invaluable guides in our field work. In the future, this field team will monitor released rehabilitated pangolins.


1) Former pangolin hunters becoming members of the Trenggiling program
2) Former pangolin hunter Wahyudi who is now a conservationist
3) Preparation for the field
4) Night monitoring of wild animals by the Trenggiling team