Organizing educational events

We place great emphasis on education and awareness. Our goal is to reduce hunting pressure on wild pangolin populations and raise awareness of their biology, threats, and protected status. Part of raising awareness is also informing about the penalties for violating the law, i.e. for hunting, selling, or buying pangolins and their scales. We organize lectures, discussions, and awareness-raising competitions in schools and other institutions. In addition, we also educate farmers about the threat and the need to protect wild animals. Members of our team, together with Ostrava Zoo, also participated in the creation of a unique "Stolen Wildlife" campaign, which informs about the illegal trade in wild animals and their body parts in Europe, and especially in the Czech Republic.


1) Environmental education in our English-Environmental School
2) Lesson of environmental education about pangolins in the field area
3) Lecture on the protection of pangolins for children from the International School in Medan, the capital of Sumatra
4) Stolen Wildlife Campaign